Gum Disease Treatment

Welcome to Mountain Top Periodontics & Implants.
Periodontics practice in Colorado Springs, CO.
“Absolutely fantastic. I am in the dental field and I am always very careful with whom I trust my smile to. I will say: I do not have a lot of the problems that most of the other patients have there, but I continue to book my appointments with [the] hygienist. I enjoy the minimal scraping since mostly the ultrasonic is used. This causes my anxiety to be much less. Thank you for everything, Team Salcetti!”
Luke J.

Good dental hygiene includes attentive care of your teeth and gums. But sometimes, gums need extra help.

At Mountain Top Periodontics & Implants, we want to help you prevent and treat gum disease before it deteriorates your smile. So, at every visit, our team checks for signs of gingivitis, the earliest stage of periodontitis. Catching and addressing it right away can help save you from potential tooth loss and extensive treatment.

The important thing to remember is that no mouth is hopeless! Even if you already have gum disease, our Mountain Top Periodontics & Implants team can help. Call to schedule an assessment as soon as possible. You’ll be glad you did.

Many people experience anxiety or shame around dental care—but rest assured, we’ve seen it all and we won’t judge. Don’t suffer with gum disease and deteriorating teeth. Let our team help.

mountain top periodontics and implants colorado springs co services gum disease treatment patiner looking in the mirror

Call Mountain Top Periodontics & Implants at 719.892.1918 to schedule an appointment today!

Your local periodontics practice: 3920 North Union Boulevard, Suite 380, Colorado Springs, CO 80907.