Osseous Surgery

Welcome to Mountain Top Periodontics & Implants.
Periodontics practice in Colorado Springs, CO.
“. . .You can tell that they are all committed to serving their patients well and work hard to restore them to optimum oral health. They made me feel at ease when I was nervous about my procedure by listening to and fully addressing my questions and concerns. The event and recovery unfolded exactly as they had explained and their follow-up care has been attentive and thorough.”Kathie V.

Have you undergone treatments for gum disease and the affected area hasn’t responded to the treatments like you hoped they would? It can be frustrating to feel like you’ve tried everything only to experience disappointing results.

Here’s the good news: Fighting gum disease is more common than you might think, and osseous surgery may be a solution that can help. If you are still experiencing pain and discomfort due to periodontal disease and the pockets surrounding your teeth are not responding to treatments, let’s talk about it.


Under local anesthesia, our team at Mountain Top Periodontics & Implants will make a small incision in the affected gum tissue. This gum tissue will be gently pulled away in order to thoroughly clean the bone, root, and tooth that has been affected. In some cases, bone growths may also be smoothed out to avoid further complications.

The gums are carefully trimmed, lowered back into place, and stitched together. If dissolving stitches are not used, you will need to come back 6-10 days later for a quick appointment to remove the stitches. One more appointment will be scheduled a month after the procedure, when your gums have healed, for a general check-up to ensure your optimal oral health.


If you have tried other treatments for your periodontal disease with little to no luck, contact us at Mountain Top Periodontics & Implants to set up a consultation. Let’s see if you are a good candidate for osseous surgery. Through osseous surgery, you can finally get relief from gum disease and be able to confidently maintain your natural smile.

mountain top periodontics and implants colorado springs co services osseous surgery friends

Call Mountain Top Periodontics & Implants at 719.892.1918 to schedule an appointment today!

Your local periodontics practice: 3920 North Union Boulevard, Suite 380, Colorado Springs, CO 80907.